Roof Restoration and Installation

Roof Restoration and Installation

A-Grade roofing can restore any roof to its original grandeur, with our team based in the Inner West of Sydney. Roofs were designed and purposed to be resilient against the extremities of all-weather conditions, but even the most durable and quality products succumb to these weather conditions on occasion and need to be restored. A-Grade Roofing loves getting involved with any restoration project, whether it be a residential, commercial or heritage listed site, we are more than capable of delivering your roof back to its former glory.

Restoration does not simply mean that you should only carry out works to improve the overall strength and aesthetics of the roof but encompasses a more cost-effective approach to maintenance and repair. Our services also include localised restoration, spray-painting and full-scale restoration as well as Roof Pointing. Roof pointing is a secondary layer which is installed over the bedding layer to create a stronger hold.

An important aspect of any restoration project is the ability for one of our trained experts to inspect the roof prior to any works commencing. This pre-inspection will give us the required information to adequately prepare the detailed quote for the works. It’s important that every aspect of the project is identified initially so we can carry out the works effectively, and you don’t get any unwanted surprises.

Installation of new features, such as whirly-birds and Skylights, is also something A-Grade Roofing can do for your roof. The addition of a whirly-bird to your roof will improve ventilation in the roof space. With the hot weather often associated with Australian Summers, if a roof space is too hot there are a couple of negative side effects which may take place. The first would be that the hot air, having nowhere to escape from, will settle at the ceiling level, meaning air-conditioning loses its efficiency. The second, which is the most escalated of the two, if the hot air can’t leave thro of space, then there may be pressure issues, resulting in a blowout. A-Grade Roofing can confidently assess where whirly-bird should be situated on your roof top and install it so you can rest assured that air is flowing out of your roof space. The best part of the installation of a whirly-bird is that they are extremely affordable. Having the knowledge that the job is being done right, the first time, with A-Grade Roofing means you no longer worry about poor ventilation.

We’ve worked on many restoration and installation projects over the years, so get in contact with us today, so we can work together to achieve your restoration goals!

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